Tuesday 3 September 2019




Figure 1 - This is a xhosa man wearing several necklaces, (iphoco) a rectangular necklace, (From the 1976 publication: The Republic of TRANSKEI - Published by Chris van Rensburg Publications, Ltd).
figure 2 - image of a neck ornament iphoco.  Neck Ornament (Iphoco), 1930s-1940s. Glass seed beads, fiber, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 in. (8.9 x 7.0 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lorenz, 1996.202.13. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, CUR.1996.202.13_overall.jpg)

Umfana is the 6th stage of the Xhosa man milestones I will be discussing. It refers to a young man, this is at the age of 25-35, he is a worrier. This is a stage where he is eligible to look for a wife.

Umfana's other roles are hunting and protecting his home and community. In this stage, I will be looking at what he is wearing, a beaded headband, a halo that plays a significant role in protecting him, he is wearing several necklaces, one particular the rectangular necklace,(Iphoco) (see fig 2) which is a symbol of graduation from being ikrwala, he is carrying a bag with a smoking pipe and tobacco (see fig 1)

Figure 3 - This is Umfana (a young man) on his bachelor activities trying to court young girls. Here he is with two young girls by the river. (the magic world of the xhosa)

He wears a kilt like skirt that shows a special significance as it was given to him by his sweetheart (see fig 2). According to (Elliot 1967:75) “This defines his boast that he has made the conquest of a heart to his friends”. I will be looking at the abundance of beadwork he wears, its association with his status and its significance of his status in his community.

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