Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Slide 3. Definitions and tthe explanations of the milestones of a xhosa man.

slide 3.
This slide shows the body of my research report, these are the milestones of a Xhosa man's life, through out my research report i will be defining and explaining the meaning and the role the production of contemporary jewellery that will make up the social roles, cultural norms and values that develops a Xhosa man in his society. below is explanations and terms of the milestones of a xhosa man.

from a boy to a man there are roles that a Xhosa man is responsible for. i am particularly looking at the adornments worn which i believe were distinctively able to distinguish and signal the status of the wearer and those that were worn at celebrations of particular social and cultural events of milestones.

The milestones.

Izibulo: The first born child of a married couple, either a boy or a girl.
Inkulu: Is the first born boy child, the inheritor, even if born after girls.
Inkwenkwe: a boy. looking after livestock, play with clay oxen, stick fighting.
umtshitsha: adolescents stage, teenager, rebel
umkhwetha: initiate, time of getting adult teachings, learns respect, and ways to honor ancestors.
Ikrwala: home coming,small unimportant man, wears red ocher.
Umfana: a worrier.
Isoka: looking for a wife.
Unomgcana: married man.

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