Thursday 30 May 2019


The different ways in which clothes and other accessories were worn signaled the status of the wearer and the clan he comes from, you can make a distinct differentiation in the way they dress, the smearing of the red ochre and the period they had to be ikrwala. The intensity of the color varying from clan to clan. you can see a mpondo ikrwala by his check hat and all cucky attire, a blazer and a shirt, and the intensity smearing of the red ochre, on that milestone for a year,refer to figure 1.
figure 1. Mpondo ikrwala..

you can see a Xhosa ikrwala, he throws a long scarf over one shoulder, which also serves as a cloak when it gets cold, he wears a suite, colour of his choice and he doesn't smear the red ochre, on that milestone for a period of 6 months, refer to figure 2. 

mohair-i, South Africa. Visi Magazine
figure 2. Xhosa ikrwala.

today you see amakrwala wearing designer jerseys with a similar design of the mpodo headdress, and they also smear ochre that is not intense as that of the mpondo. being on that milestone for as long as they feel like, refer to figure 3. This a new look of an ikrwala.

Related image
figure 3. new style. mordern  ikrwala look.

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