Thursday 18 April 2019

Start with your own proposal - get some clarity

Have a look at the proposal form that is used by our Faculty, for the Masters. I would like you to fill in 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Section B. Give it a shot and let's discuss what you come up with. There has to be something to discuss next week.
first attempt.

Section B: To be typed in Arial 10-point font in single line spacing (expand sections to fit contents, but keep within the specified maximum lengths.)
1.  Field of Research and Provisional Title

An investigation into the anthropology of a xhosa man, hold proper interviews with the elders that knows the milestones that construct a xhosa man, to design and develop xhosa bling contemporary jewellery.

2.  Context of the Research

The aim of this study is to document traditional and cultural activities that specifically were designed to construct roles of a xhosa man in his society, in order to apply these milestones in the production of xhosa bling contemporary jewellery.

 According to (Thorin Klosowski 2013, Materialism is one of those ugly words that gets thrown around a lot. It's best defined as an insatiable desire to own things and the belief that when those desires are fulfilled we'll achieve happiness. Basically, materialism suggests a yardstick for success: the more you own, the better your life will be. It sounds horrible, but we all do it to some extent, even if we don't go overboard.

Milestones of a xhosa man have traditionally been used to construct the xhosa man in understanding his gender roles in his community. These milestones have been passed on from person to person, orally, and in action with the result that there is little documented evidence. According to                

I have been exposed to traditional and cultural activities since childhood and will also rely on these memories of my cultural heritage for this research. I am working on the milestones that make a xhosa man in the production of my jewellery (see figures 1, 2, 3 and 4). I exhibited my work at the heritage Expo in johannesburg constitutional hill 2019,

I am a qualified goldsmith and spent 10 years in the jewellery industry where I produced commercial jewellery that was purely concerned with addressing consumer needs. I am currently developing my own style and personal approach by concentrating on producing xhosa bling jewellery. I now identify with, and have begun to align my practice with bruce metcalf view of jewellery, as a form of functionality and individual expression. I want to use my practice to demonstrate and preserve my identity and cultural heritage.

Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery, for the purpose of this research is understood to mean jewellery that “allows for variation and invention” (Metcalf 1989) and is not mass produced or available in chain outlets (Derez 2005).

3.  Research Problem and Aims

The aim of this study is firstly, to investigate selected the milestones that construct a xhosa man, in order to document and disseminate the process as part of preserving traditional knowledge; and secondly to apply the findings in the design and manufacture of a range of contemporary jewellery. Although I will rely on previous research, I intend to interview elders in order to generate primary data for my research.

It is important to document these milestones as they are in danger of becoming extinct due to materialism. In the history of the development of paradigmatic attempts to solve the question of socio cultural causality, cultural materialism has confronted and continues to confront a set of long-established, common-sense but erroneous and unproductive beliefs about human culture that are similar to those which confronted and continue to confront the development of radical behaviorism. Behaviorists have had to struggle against the belief that organisms, especially humans, possess faculties called mind and will whose exercise makes their behavior largely unpredictable (Marvin Harris 2007) According to Metcalf (1989): “tradition should be preserved because it allows for variation and invention”.

The milestones I will refer to in this study, are traditional practices of gender roles, such as the teachings of manhood. I intend to interview elders situated in Idutywa, centane, Engcobo, who are still practising traditional and cultural ways. That goes back almost 1000 years”

Key questions:

How can I use a range of Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery to preserve the anthropology of a Xhosa man as a reference?

  • How are the milestones roles contributed to a xhosa man in his community?
  • How can i use my xhosa bling contemporary jewellery to address social and cultural issues affected by materialism?
  • Which aspects of the milestones are most suitable for producing xhosa bling contemporary jewellery?

4. Literature Review
My focus will be on milestones of a xhosa man. I currently know 7 milestones; (Izibulo, Inkulu, inkwewnkwe, Umkhwetha, Ikwala, Umfana, unomgcana which I learned from my childhood, these are the critical stages that were practised to construct a xhosa man that was productive to his society.

Section B: To be typed in Arial 10-point font in single line spacing (expand sections to fit contents, but keep within the specified maximum lengths.)
1.  Field of Research and Provisional Title

An investigation into the anthropology of a xhosa man, hold proper interviews with the elders that knows the milestones that construct a xhosa man, to design and develop xhosa bling contemporary jewellery.

2.  Context of the Research

The aim of this study is to document traditional and cultural activities that specifically were designed to construct roles of a xhosa man in his society, in order to apply these milestones in the production of xhosa bling contemporary jewellery.

 According to (Thorin Klosowski 2013, Materialism is one of those ugly words that gets thrown around a lot. It's best defined as an insatiable desire to own things and the belief that when those desires are fulfilled we'll achieve happiness. Basically, materialism suggests a yardstick for success: the more you own, the better your life will be. It sounds horrible, but we all do it to some extent, even if we don't go overboard.

Milestones of a xhosa man have traditionally been used to construct the xhosa man in understanding his gender roles in his community. These milestones have been passed on from person to person, orally, and in action with the result that there is little documented evidence. According to                

I have been exposed to traditional and cultural activities since childhood and will also rely on these memories of my cultural heritage for this research. I am working on the milestones that make a xhosa man in the production of my jewellery (see figures 1, 2, 3 and 4). I exhibited my work at the heritage Expo in johannesburg constitutional hill 2019,

I am a qualified goldsmith and spent 10 years in the jewellery industry where I produced commercial jewellery that was purely concerned with addressing consumer needs. I am currently developing my own style and personal approach by concentrating on producing xhosa bling jewellery. I now identify with, and have begun to align my practice with bruce metcalf view of jewellery, as a form of functionality and individual expression. I want to use my practice to demonstrate and preserve my identity and cultural heritage.

Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery, for the purpose of this research is understood to mean jewellery that “allows for variation and invention” (Metcalf 1989) and is not mass produced or available in chain outlets (Derez 2005).

3.  Research Problem and Aims

The aim of this study is to explore and gain insight into the use of milestones of the anthropology of a Xhosa man, to create Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery. A social and cultural overview will be done in contextualizing the use of these milestones in the anthropology of Xhosa man. 7 milestones will be investigated in order to understand fully their purpose in motivating the anthropology of a Xhosa man. it is my intention to enrich my understanding of the subject and develop a more all-inclusive approach to my work through this study. it will be through this study that i will be able to explore ideas and concepts that will support the narratives of the milestones through the Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery.

Key questions:

How can I use a range of Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery to preserve the anthropology of a Xhosa man as a reference?

  • what are the historical context for the use of milestones in the anthropology of a Xhosa man?
  • why and how the Xhosa people invented these milestones of an anthropology of a Xhosa man?
  • how and why i will use these milestones in exploring ideas and concepts for the creation of Xhosa bling contemporary jewellery?

4. Literature Review
My focus will be on milestones of a xhosa man. I currently know 7 milestones; (Izibulo, Inkulu, inkwewnkwe, Umkhwetha, Ikwala, Umfana, unomgcana which I learned from my childhood, these are the critical stages that were practiced to construct a xhosa man that was productive to his society.

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